Quote #{{($quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'])?$quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'].' '.ucwords($quoteDetails['quoteVersion']):'' }} @php $fdLogo = asset('uploads/fd-logo.png'); @endphp @if($Appsettings->logo) @php $fdLogo = asset('uploads/'.$Appsettings->logo); @endphp @endif User Image
Account name : {{$quoteDetails['account']}}
Job address : {{$quoteDetails['deliveryAddress']}}
@if ($quoteDetails['isDifferBilling'] ==1)
Billing address : {{$quoteDetails['billingAddress']}}
Name : {{$quoteDetails['contactname']}}
Email : {{$quoteDetails['email']}}
@if ($quoteDetails['contact']!=null)
Phone number : +61 {{$quoteDetails['contact']}}
Quote valid until : {{($quoteDetails['quoteValidDate'])?date('d/m/Y', strtotime($quoteDetails['quoteValidDate'])):''}}
Consultant details
Name : {{$quoteDetails['salesRep']}}
@if ($quoteDetails['contact']!=null)
Phone number : +61 {{$quoteDetails['salesRepPhone']}}
Email : {{$quoteDetails['salesRepMail']}}
@php $totalproductArray=array(); @endphp @foreach ($grouProducts as $val) @php $totalProduct = 0; $totalIndProduct = 0; $totalSurProduct = 0; $imgdetails=null; if(count($val[0]['prodimages'])>0){ $imgdetails =$val[0]['prodimages']; $productlogo = asset('uploads').'/'.($imgdetails[0]['imageName'])??null; }else{ $productlogo = asset('uploads/noimage.jpeg'); } @endphp
All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.Actual product may vary due to product enhancement

Product description


@foreach ($val as $lkey => $location) @php $totalIndProduct = $location['pTotalprice']; $totalProduct += $totalIndProduct; @endphp @php $tdsize ='36%'; $tdsize1 ='24%'; if($isUser){ $tdsize ='20%'; $tdsize1 ='16%'; } @endphp @if($isUser) @endif @if($isUser) @endif @if(($location['pDiscountAmount']==0 || $location['pDiscountAmount']==null)) @else @endif @if($location['isCustomColor']==1) @else @endif @if(($location['pColor']!=null) || ($location['pFabric']!=null) ||(count($location['options'])>0)) @endif {{-- @if(($location['pColor']!=null) || ($location['pFabric']!=null) ||(count($location['options'])>0)) @endif
Options :
@if(($location['pColor']!=null)) Color : {{$location['pColor']}} @endif @if(($location['pFabric']!=null)) Fabric : {{$location['pFabric']}} @endif @if($location['multiplePrice']==1 && $location['dualBlind']==1) @if($location['pFabricDual']!=null) Bottom Fabric : {{$location['pFabricDual']}} @endif @if($location['pColorDual']!=null) Bottom Fabric Colour : {{$location['pColorDual']}} @endif @endif @if(($location['options']!=null)) @foreach($location['options'] as $key => $specProdOption) @php $typevalueLoc=json_decode($specProdOption['typeValue']) ; if(is_array($typevalueLoc)){ $typevalueLoc = implode(', ',$typevalueLoc); } @endphp {{$specProdOption['optionName']}} : {{$typevalueLoc}} @endforeach @endif
--}} @php $surcharges =[]; if(array_key_exists($location['pSpecId'],$relatedHardwareGrp)){ $surcharges = $relatedHardwareGrp[$location['pSpecId']]; } @endphp @if(count($surcharges)>0) @foreach ($surcharges as $sur) @php $totalIndProduct = $totalIndProduct+$sur['pTotalprice']; $totalProduct += $sur['pTotalprice']; @endphp @endforeach
Product name / Surcharge Qty Price
{{$sur['productName']}} @if(count($sur['options'])>0) ( @foreach ($sur['options'] as $surOption) @php $typevalue=json_decode($surOption['typeValue']) ; if(is_array($typevalue)){ $typevalue = implode(', ',$typevalue); } @endphp {{$surOption['optionName']}} : {{$typevalue}} @endforeach ) @endif {{$sur['pQty']}} @currency($sur['pTotalprice'])
@endif @if($location['isCustomColor']==1)
Product name / Surcharge Price
Custom System Colour Surchagre @currency($location['customColorPrice'])
@endif @if($location['pNotes']!=null) @endif
Notes :
Product {{$lkey+1}} total : @currency($totalIndProduct)
@endforeach @php $generalNotes=''; if($val[0]['productGeneralNotes']!=null){ $notes=$val[0]['productGeneralNotes']; foreach($notes as $key=>$noteval){ if($noteval['productId']==$val[0]['productId']){ $generalNotes =($noteval['pGeneralNotes'])??''; } } } $dataarray = ['pName'=>$val[0]['productName'],'pTotalAmt'=>$totalProduct]; array_push($totalproductArray,$dataarray); @endphp
General notes :
{{$val[0]['productName']}} Total : @currency($totalProduct)
@endforeach @if(count($grouHrdware)>0)
@endif @foreach ($grouHrdware as $val) @php $totalProduct = 0; $totalIndProduct = 0; $totalSurProduct = 0; $imgdetails=null; if(count($val[0]['hardwareimages'])>0){ $imgdetails =$val[0]['hardwareimages']; $productlogo = asset('uploads').'/'.($imgdetails[0]['imageName'])??null; }else{ $productlogo = asset('uploads/noimage.jpeg'); } @endphp
All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.Actual product may vary due to product enhancement

Product description


@foreach ($val as $lkey => $location) @php $totalIndProduct = $location['pTotalprice']; $totalProduct += $totalIndProduct; @endphp
Product {{$lkey+1}} : {{$location['productName']}}
Product name / Surcharge Qty Price
{{$location['productName']}} @if(count($location['options'])>0) ( @foreach ($location['options'] as $surOption) @php $typevalue=json_decode($surOption['typeValue']) ; if(is_array($typevalue)){ $typevalue = implode(', ',$typevalue); } @endphp {{$surOption['optionName']}} : {{$typevalue}} @endforeach ) @endif {{$location['pQty']}} @currency($location['pTotalprice'])
@php $surcharges =[]; if(array_key_exists($location['pSpecId'],$relatedHardwareGrp)){ $surcharges = $relatedHardwareGrp[$location['pSpecId']]; } @endphp @if(count($surcharges)>0) @foreach ($surcharges as $sur) @php $totalIndProduct = $totalIndProduct+$sur['pTotalprice']; $totalProduct += $sur['pTotalprice']; @endphp @endforeach
Product name / Surcharge Qty Price
{{$sur['productName']}} @if(count($sur['options'])>0) ( @foreach ($sur['options'] as $surOption) @php $typevalue=json_decode($surOption['typeValue']) ; if(is_array($typevalue)){ $typevalue = implode(', ',$typevalue); } @endphp {{$surOption['optionName']}} : {{$typevalue}} @endforeach ) @endif {{$sur['pQty']}} @currency($sur['pTotalprice'])
@endif @if($location['pNotes']!=null) @endif
Notes :
Product {{$lkey+1}} total : @currency($totalIndProduct)
@endforeach @php $generalNotes=''; if($val[0]['hardware_general_notes']!=null){ $notes=$val[0]['hardware_general_notes']; foreach($notes as $key=>$noteval){ if($noteval['productId']==$val[0]['productId']){ $generalNotes =($noteval['pGeneralNotes'])??''; } } } $dataarray = ['pName'=>$val[0]['productName'],'pTotalAmt'=>$totalProduct]; array_push($totalproductArray,$dataarray); @endphp
General notes :
{{$val[0]['productName']}} : @currency($totalProduct)
@endforeach @if(count($grouHrdware)>0)
@endif @foreach ($groupMisc as $val) @php $totalProduct = 0; $totalIndProduct = 0; $totalSurProduct = 0; @endphp
@foreach ($val as $lkey => $location) @php $totalIndProduct = $location['pTotalprice']; $totalProduct += $totalIndProduct; @endphp @php $tdsize ='36%'; $tdsize1 ='24%'; if($isUser){ $tdsize ='20%'; $tdsize1 ='16%'; } @endphp @if($isUser) @endif @if($isUser) @endif @if(($location['pDiscountAmount']==0 || $location['pDiscountAmount']==null)) @else @endif @if($location['pNotes']!=null)
Notes :
Product {{$lkey+1}} total : @currency($totalIndProduct)
@endforeach @php $dataarray = ['pName'=>$val[0]['productName'],'pTotalAmt'=>$totalProduct]; array_push($totalproductArray,$dataarray); @endphp
{{$val[0]['productName']}} : @currency($totalProduct)
Quote #{{($quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'])?$quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'].' '.ucwords($quoteDetails['quoteVersion']):'' }} User Image
Account name : {{$quoteDetails['account']}}
Job address : {{$quoteDetails['deliveryAddress']}}
Contact person : {{$quoteDetails['contactname']}}
Contact email : {{$quoteDetails['email']}}
@if ($quoteDetails['contact']!=null)
Contact phone number : +61 {{$quoteDetails['contact']}}
Quote valid until : {{($quoteDetails['quoteValidDate'])?date('d-m-Y', strtotime($quoteDetails['quoteValidDate'])):''}}
Consultant details
Name : {{$quoteDetails['salesRep']}}
@if ($quoteDetails['contact']!=null)
Phone number : +61 {{$quoteDetails['salesRepPhone']}}
Email : {{$quoteDetails['salesRepMail']}}
Total Quote Cost
@php $subtotal = 0; @endphp @foreach ($totalproductArray as $totProd) @php $exTotal = $totProd['pTotalAmt']; $exTotalview =number_format((float)$exTotal, 2, '.', ''); $subtotal = $subtotal+$exTotal; @endphp @endforeach @php $subtotalview =number_format((float)$subtotal, 2, '.', ''); $gst = $subtotal*10/100; $gstview =number_format((float)$gst, 2, '.', ''); $total = $subtotal+$gst; $totalview =number_format((float)$total, 2, '.', ''); $deposit =$quoteDetails['depositAmount']; $depositview =number_format((float)$deposit, 2, '.', ''); @endphp
{{$totProd['pName']}} @currency($exTotal)
Sub Total @currency($subtotal)
GST @currency($gstview)
Total @currency($total)
Account details
Bank name : {{$Appsettings['accBank']}}
BSB : {{$Appsettings['accBSB']}}
Account number : {{$Appsettings['accNumber']}}
Payment ref number : {{($quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'])?$quoteDetails['opportunityQuoteVersion'].' '.ucwords($quoteDetails['quoteVersion']):'' }}

Balance due prior to the installation


@php $customerSignature =($checkMeasure['orderCnfrmSignature'])??''; $customerSignature = asset('uploads').'/'.$customerSignature; // $customerSigned =($quoteDetails['isClientApproved'])??0; // $isSign=($isSign)??0; // if($isSign==1){ // $customerSignature=null; // } // else{ // if($customerSigned==1){ // $customerSignature =($quoteDetails['orderCnfrmSignature'])??''; // } // else if($customerSigned==2){ // $customerSignature =($quoteDetails['orderCnfrmSignDoc'])??''; // } // if(($customerSigned==1 || $customerSigned==2) && $customerSignature!=""){ // $customerSignature = asset('uploads').'/'.$customerSignature; // } // } @endphp {{-- @if(($customerSigned==1 || $customerSigned==2) && $customerSignature!='') @endif --}}
Date : {{($quoteDetails['orderCnfrmSignatureDate'])?date('d/m/Y h:i A', strtotime($quoteDetails['orderCnfrmSignatureDate'])):''}}
By signing this quote I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions attached.
{{$Appsettings['companyName']}} Terms & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions which apply to the purchase of all products and services from Factory Direct Shutters (“FD Shutters" "us” “we” "our”). These terms form a contract between Customers (“you” “your") and Factory Direct Shutters. We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time.
In order to confirm your order, we require Customers to pay a 10% deposit. A further progress payment of 40°f» is required before we can begin manufacture of the product. Both payments can be paid at the same time, with the remaining balance payable prior to the date of delivery or installation.
We accept final payment upon your goods becoming ready for installation. Generally at the time the installation is booked. Cheque payments and electronic funds transfers must be made prior to the date of installation and given time to clear.{{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} reserves the right to refuse to deliver or install products until payment is received.
Sometimes colour variations occur and may differ slightly from samples, which is the result of working with fabrics and timbers. Where a selected product is not available at a certain time, we will contact the Customer to discuss the available options. We do not guarantee the availability of specific products or fabrics at any point in time.
{{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} offers Customers a range of blinds, shutters and awnings which we will deliver to you. All of our products are customised and ‘made to measure’. Our manufacturing and installation services comply with the Competition and Consumer Act and relevant safety standards.
Delivery dates specified by {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} are given in good faith and while we endeavour to meet such specified dates, any delays that may occur due to circumstances beyond our control shall not constitute cause for the cancellation of the order nor cause to delay or deny full payment prior to delivery. No compensations will be entered into should there be delays beyond our estimates.
We will arrange a time with you to attend to delivery and installation of your products. We require that an adult be present at your property at all times during installation. We only use experienced installers and operate with due care and skill. However sometimes, structural or other issues might arise during installation which are outside of our control. This contract includes the cost of 'standard installation’. Should we not be able to find sufficient fixings, of fit the product safely as expected, the customer will be asked to bear any unforeseen costs, for example additional bracketry, carpentry or lift equipment expense that was not realised at the point of sale. If the Customer chooses to install the products or arrange for a third party to install the products, you do so at your own risk and you hereby agree to release {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} from any damage caused to the products during the installation.
8.Removal of Existing Product
{{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} will remove existing product where necessary with the exception of external blinds. Removal of External Product is by negotiation only. Disposing of existing product is by our discretion. We will accommodate the disposal of existing product where we can, but often cannot accept old blinds if they are too bulky to fit or too dirty or wet for us to pack with other new product.
9.Window Removal after Shutter installation
Removing Glass windows for cleaning after Shutters have been installed will normally require the removal of the shutter framing. It is generally not possible for a window to be fully removed from the window frame without part of the shutter frame being removed first. We can provide instructions on how to do this.
10.Roller blind Considerations
Large rollerblinds will incur some waving in the fabric. This is more predominant if a downlight or lamp castes light across the face of the fabric. Rollerblinds in Reveal will have a gap up to 22mm. Two rollerblinds side by side will have a gap up to 45mm.
11.Awnings Considerations
External Awning fabric often requires joins, It is expected that some puckering or golf bailing will occur either side of the join line.
Retractable Awnings must be retracted in rain and high winds. All external fabric awnings especially 'Folding Arm Awnings' are for sun control only. They can be easily damaged by wind and rain and in such circumstances are not covered by our warranty.
12.Light Blackout
We do not offer 100% complete ’blackout' of all light. With Blackout or Blockout products you can expect some filtered or reflected light to come through the sides, top & bottom of blockout fabric. All Awning fabrics are light filtering and are not offered as light blockout.
For Goods not manufactured by the Supplier, the warranty shall be the current warranty provided by the manufacturer of the goods. The Supplier shall not be bound by nor be responsible for any term, condition, representation or warranty other than that which is given by the manufacturer of the Goods.
{{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} have a callout fee policy for inspecting or repairing products that were installed outside of 12 months from the time the issue is raised. The policy also applies to product believed to be defective due to ‘non-fair’ wear and tear.
The Client shall inspect the goods on delivery and shall within three (3) days of delivery (time being of the essence) notify the supplier of any alleged defect, shortage in quantity, damage or failure to comply with the description or quote. The Client shall afford the Supplier an opportunity to inspect the Goods within a reasonable time following delivery if the Client believes the Goods are defective in any way. If the Client shall fail to comply with these provisions the Goods shall be presumed free from defect or damage. For defective Goods, which the Supplier has agreed that the Client is entitled to reject, the Suppliers liability is limited to either (at the Suppliers discretion) replacing the Goods or repairing the Goods.
Customers are responsible for doing all things necessary to ensure the safety of {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} representatives attending your premises and you agree to indemnify {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} representatives for any injury, loss or damage suffered by a representative while on your premises. {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} provides the consumer guarantees in accordance with the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} liability for any structural or other damage that occurs during installation is limited to circumstances only where the damage is caused by the negligence of {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}}.{{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}} is not responsible for damage to premises that have not been built or maintained to the standards expected by the current building code.
16.Cancellations or Changes
We will attempt to accommodate any changes to an order in so far that we can. However, we cannot guarantee that changes can be made once the manufactures process has commenced. In the case of Imported Shutters this can be within 24 hours.
17.Refunds and Returns
We recommend that you choose your products carefully and contact us with any queries that you have prior to submitting your order, as we do not provide refunds for your change of mind. Refunds will not be provided where the Customer selects not to receive our 'made to measure service' and provides incorrect measurements to {{$Appsettings['companyShortName']}}. Refunds will not be provided automatically upon request. We reserve the right to inspect defective, faulty or damaged products either by way of attending your premises or by asking that you provide photos of the goods. You agree to provide us with access so that we can inspect faulty goods.
18.Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the common laws of Australia.
19.Force Majeure
Except for obligations to make payment, non-performance by any Party will be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible or impractical by acts of God, lighting strike, earthquakes, floods, storms, explosions, fires and any natural disaster, acts of war, acts of public enemies, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, sabotage and revolution or governmental acts or orders or restrictions.
These terms and conditions terminate once delivery is made and full payment is received. Terms regarding refunds continue as provided by the Australian Consumer Law. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement if you fail to pay any amounts owing by the due date.